Cassandra Dimitrescu's Unreal PortraitSisterUnrealCosplay on DeviantArt

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Cassandra Dimitrescu's Unreal Portrait

Character  Cassandra DimitrescuLocation  Castle Dimitrescu


"I won't last until dinner."

The perfect portrait for Cassandra, when she, her two sisters and their mother finds the Portal of Unreal hidden behind their castle in Europe. The Dimitrescus decided to keep a secret from Mother Miranda and the three Lords to seek into the Unreal universe, where they met the 18.

On Wednesday, Cassandra went to the Catholic Healthy Restaurant of Christ to rob all of the delicious food from the Undertalers and flee before texting Remus by provoking him to call him a "twinie jerky virgin jackass" on his Instagram chats in his phone.

Now on Friday has come, The Dimitrescu Family infiltrated the H.A.L.T. to kidnapped 18 of them and flee to the Portal of Resident Evil before the Team Fortress 2 tried to stop them, but fails. Lady Dimitrescu suggests she will keep The Unnamed Nun, who was anaesthetized by Bela in the bedroom chambers while she sent her three daughters to throw Eric and his friends into prison until Ethan Winters, a man sent by Chris Redfield and his BSAA squad to search his daughter while infiltrating the castle to rescue Eric and the group and decided to help them look for The Unnamed Nun, who freed herself and find the missing angel masks for the four busts to unlock a door which is leading her to the Tower of Worship. 

Cassandra ambushed her again in the Armory room. Cassandra sealed her inside and intent on killing her regardless, commenting that she was worried her other sisters will get to her first. However, The Unnamed Nun was able to use her entity to make distraction sounds to confuse her while she gets the mounted animal skull to escape from her or blow open the wall using explosives and weaken Cassandra with the cold air, similar to how she had dealt with Bela earlier. The ensuing fight was one she lost and she calcified. Cassandra's dying moments were of utter shock, undeble to comprehend how her prey could defeat her.

But it turns out the real Cassandra, who she, her sisters and their mother had consumed the Elixirs of Holy All of The Same and Immortality they robbed from the Angelic Superhuman Sign of The Cross Shop which gave them superhuman powers in which Bela, Cassandra and Daniela cloned themselves to pretend that they were pursuing The Unnamed Nun, instead of Ethan, Eric and his group, only to trick The Unnamed Nun for foolishly killing their fake clones while searching for the angel masks. 

Name: Cassandra Dimitrescu

Real Name: Cassandra Dimitrescu

Age: Unknown

Race: Mutated Vampire

Birthplace: Castle Dimitrescu, Europe

Noblewoman, Member of the Dimitrescu family

Born: Unknown, likely in 1930s or 1940s

Corporate Affiliation: Dimitrescu Family

Weapon Preference(s): Sickle

Insectoid ManipulationSuperhuman Strength, Regenerative Abilities, Biological Immortality, Holy All of The Same (inherited after Stealing and consuming the Elixir of the Holy All of The Same)

Accuracy: Infinite (1.00)

Agility: Infinite (1.00)

Aggressiveness: Infinite (1.00)

Team Tactics: Infinite (1.00)

Combat Style: All styles (1.00)

Average: Infinite (1.00)


Resident Evil Village (aka Biohazard 8: Village, Resident Evil 8: Village, Village: Biohazard and Village: Resident Evil)

Unreal: The Vision -The Little Mother of Iron Guard- (Season 2, upcoming crossover fiction visual novel, manga and series)

Cassandra was born during the twentieth century, and was captured by Lady Alcina Dimitrescu and Mother Miranda for the latter's experiments. Cassandra was taken alongside Bela and Daniela, and was given insectoids that were born out of eggs planted by the Cadou parasite. The insectoids consumed the three women, and managed to mimic human anatomy and took their shapes after consumption. Cassandra became the middle sister to Bela and Daniela, being the most loyal and obedient of the Dimitrescu family.

Living in the Dimitrescu castle, Cassandra would enjoy feasting on maidens and visitors, but was unable to leave the grounds due to the village's cold temperatures. The castle would become infamous during the decades, as the villagers saw the place as nothing but blood and death.

This is due to the history of the maidens there, who were abused and killed by the Dimitrescus, and were replaced frequently. The villagers feared the place deeply, having two crests kept away in the village, and only would go there if under extreme circumstances."
- Cassandra's background from the Villains wiki.

Cassandra Dimitrescu, Resident Evil Village © Capcom

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